- Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Inostroza, L., Falfan, I., & MacGregor-Fors, I. (2022). Too hot to handle? On the cooling capacity of urban green spaces in a Neotropical Mexican city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127633.
- Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H., 2022. Does urban climate follow urban form? Analysing intraurban LST trajectories versus urban form trends in 3 cities with different background climates. Science of The Total Environment, 830, p.154570.
- Yin, D., Huang, Q., He, C., Hua, X., Liao, C., Inostroza, L., Zhang, L. and Bai, Y., 2022. The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds. Landscape Ecology, 37(6), pp.1673-1692.
- Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H., 2022. Intraurban heterogeneity of space-time land surface temperature trends in six climate-diverse cities. Science of The Total Environment, 804, p.150037.
- Zepp, H., Falke, M., Guenther, F., Gruenhagen, L., Inostroza, L., Zhou, W., Huang, Q., Dong, N., 2021. China’s Ecosystem Services Planning: Will Shanghai Lead the Way? Erdkunde 75, 271–293.
- Daunt ABP, Inostroza L., Hersperger AM 2021 The role of spatial planning in land change: An assessment of urban planning and nature conservation efficiency at the southeastern coast of Brazil. Land use policy 105771.
- Zepp, H. & Inostroza, L. (2021): Who Pays the Bill? Assessing Ecosystem Services Losses in an Urban Planning Context. – Land 10(4), Article number 369.
- Zepp, H. & Inostroza, L. (2021): The metabolic urban network: Urbanisation as hierarchically ordered space of flows. – Cities 109, Article number 103029. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.103029
- Inostroza, L., Zepp, H., Pickett, S., de Groot, R. (2020): Ecosystem Function. – In: Leal F.W. et al. (eds): Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Life on Land. Springer, Cham.
- Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Inostroza, L. & Zepp, H. (2020): The global homogenization of urban form. An assessment of 194 cities across time. Landscape and Urban Planning 204: 103949.
- Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Inostroza, L. & Zepp, H. (2020): Urban form datasets of 194 cities delineated based on the contiguous urban fabric for 1990 and 2015. Data in Brief 33: 106369.
- Zepp, H., Groß, L. & Inostroza, L. (2020): And the winner is? Comparing urban green space provision and accessibility in eight European metropolitan areas using a spatially explicit approach. – Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
- Hossu, C., Ioja, I.-C., Onose, D.A., Nita, M.R., Popa, A.-M., Talaba, O., Inostroza, L., 2019. Ecosystem services appreciation of urban lakes in Romania. Synergies and trade-offs between multiple users. Ecosyst. Serv. 37, 100937.
- Artmann, M., L. Inostroza, and P. Fan. 2019. Urban sprawl, compact urban development and green cities. How much do we know, how much do we agree? Ecological Indicators 96: 3–9. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.10.059.
- Inostroza, Luis, Zoé Hamstead, Marcin Spyra, and Salman Qureshi. 2019. “Beyond Urban – Rural Dichotomies : Measuring Urbanisation Degrees in Central European Landscapes Using the Technomass as an Explicit Indicator.” Ecological Indicators 96 (February 2018). Elsevier: 466–76.
- Zepp, H., Inostroza, L., Sutcliffe, R., Ahmed, S., & Moebus, S. (2018). Neighbourhood Environmental Contribution and Health. A novel indicator integrating urban form and urban green. Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 4(1), 46-51.
- Wentz, E.A., York, A.M., Alberti, M., Conrow, L., Fischer, H., Inostroza, L., Jantz, C., Pickett, S.T., Seto, K.C. and Taubenböck, H., 2018. Six fundamental aspects for conceptualizing multidimensional urban form: A spatial mapping perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 179: 55-62.
- Palme, M., Inostroza, L. and Salvati, A., 2018. Technomass and cooling demand in South America: a superlinear relationship?. Building Research & Information, 46(8): 864-880.
- Inostroza L., 2018. The circularity of the urban ecosystem material productivity: the transformation of biomass into technomass in Southern Patagonia. Sustainable Cities and Society ELSEVIER
- Spyra, M., Inostroza, L., Hamerla, A., Bondaruk, J. 2018. Ecosystem services deficits in cross-boundary landscapes: spatial mismatches between green and grey systems. Urban Ecosystems
- Inostroza, L., König, H. J., Pickard, B., & Zhen, L. 2017. Putting ecosystem services into practice: Trade-off assessment tools, indicators and decision support systems. Ecosystem Services, 26(b), 303–305.
- Montoya-Tangarife, C., De La Barrera, F., Salazar, A., & Inostroza, L. 2017. Monitoring the effects of land cover change on the supply of ecosystem services in an urban region: A study of Santiago-Valparaíso, Chile. PLoS ONE, 12(11).
- Palme, M., Inostroza, L., Villacreses, G., Lobato, A., & Carrasco, C. 2017. Urban weather data and building models for the inclusion of the urban heat island effect in building performance simulation. Data in Brief, 14.
- S.A. Mukul, M. Shawkat, I. Sohel, J. Herbohn, L. Inostroza, H. König, 2017. Integrating ecosystem services supply potential from future land-use in protected area management: A Bangladesh study. Ecosystem Services. (Q1, Impact Factor 4.307) (in press) DOI 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.04.001
- M. Palme, G. Villacreses, L. Inostroza, A. Lobato, C. Carrasco, 2017. From urban climate to energy consumption. Enhancing building performance simulation by including the urban heat island effect. Energy & Buildings (Q1, 5 year Impact Factor 3.666) (in press) DOI 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.03.069
- Zewdie W. & Inostroza L., 2017. Monitoring ecosystem dynamics in northwestern Ethiopia using NDVI and climate variables to assess long-term trends in dryland vegetation variability. Applied Geography (Q1, 5-year Impact Factor 3.162) (in press). DOI 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.12.019
- Inostroza L., Palme M., de la Barrera F., 2016. A heat vulnerability index: spatial indexes for exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity for Santiago de Chile. PLOS one. (Q1, Impact Factor 3.263). DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0162464
- Inostroza L., 2016. Informal urban development in Latin American urban peripheries. Spatial assessment in Bogotá, Lima and Santiago de Chile. Landscape and Urban Planning, doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.03.021, in press (Q1, Impact Factor 3.659).
- Inostroza, L., Zasada, I. and König, H.J., 2016. Last of the wild revisited: assessing spatial patterns of human impact on landscapes in Southern Patagonia, Chile. Regional Environmental Change, pp.1-15. (Q2, Impact Factor 2.628).
- La Rosa, D., Spyra, M. and Inostroza, L., 2016. Indicators of cultural ecosystem services for urban planning: a review. Ecological Indicators, 61, pp.74-89 (Q1, Impact Factor 3.444).
- Inostroza L., 2016. Measuring Urban Informality in Latin America. GIS Spatial Assessment of Informal Urban Development in Santiago de Chile. Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER) Volume 161, 2016, Pages 1631–1638. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.638
- Inostroza L., Tábbita J.H., 2016. Informal urban development in the Greater Buenos Aires Area: A quantitative-spatial assessment based on households’ physical features using GIS and principal component analysis. Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER) Volume 161, 2016, Pages 2138–2146. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.806
- Zimmermann E., Bracalenti L., Piacentini R., Inostroza L., 2016. Urban flood risk reduction by increasing green areas for adaptation to climate change. Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER), Volume 161, 2016, Pages 2241–2246. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.822
- Inostroza L., 2015. El mito de pristinidad y los usos efectivos del territorio de la región de Magallanes, Patagonia Chilena: forestal, minería y acuicultura. Estudios Geográficos LXXVI (Enero-Junio), 141–175. (Q4).
- Inostroza L. 2015. Review: The New Science of Cities, Michael Batty. EURE Vol. 41, núm. 122. (Q3, Impact Factor: 0.386).
- Herbert, Matthias; Wende, Wolfgang; Mathey, Juliane; Otto, Andreas; Inostroza, Luis; Breuste, Jürgen; Artmann, Martina; Fürst, Christine; Spyra, Marcin. Urban Ecosystem Services and Biological Diversity. In: United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES): Dresden Nexus Conference. State of the Nexus Approach 2015 - Management of Environmental Resources. Dresden: UNU-FLORES, 2015, S.40-42. DNC2015 Conference Report.
- Fürst C., Opdam P., Inostroza L., Luque S. 2014. Evaluating the role of ecosystem services in participatory land use planning: proposing a balanced score card. Landscape Ecology, June, 1-12 (Q1, Impact factor 3.5).
- Inostroza L., 2014. Measuring urban ecosystem functions through ‘Technomass’ - a novel indicator to assess urban metabolism. Ecological Indicators, Volume 42, 10–19. (Q1, Impact Factor 3.444).
- Inostroza L., 2014. Open spaces and urban ecosystem services. Cooling effect towards urban planning in South American cities. TeMA Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, SI (June), pp.523–534.
- Inostroza L. & Csaplovics E., 2014. Measuring climate change adaptation in Latin-America. Spatial indexes for exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to urban heat islands in Lima and Santiago de Chile. Working paper, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Inostroza L., Baur R., Csaplovics E., 2013. Urban sprawl and fragmentation in Latin America : a dynamic quantification and characterization of spatial patterns. Journal of Environmental Management, 115, 87–97. (Q1, Impact factor 3.131).
- Inostroza L., 2012. Patagonia: La antropización de un territorio natural. Monografía, Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística CIUR 83, julio/agosto 2012, 86 pp. I.S.S.N. (ed. imp.): 1886-6654, I.S.S.N. (edición digital): 2174-5099.
- Inostroza L., Baur R., Csaplovics E., 2011. Urban sprawl and fragmentation in Latin America: A comparison with European cities. The myth of the diffuse Latin American city. Working paper, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Book Chapters
- Palme, M., Inostroza, L., Villacreses, G., Carrasco, C. and Lobato, A., 2019. Urban Climate in the South American Coastal Cities of Guayaquil, Lima, Antofagasta, and Valparaíso, and Its Impacts on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings. In Urban Climates in Latin America (pp. 33-62). Springer, Cham.
- Inostroza L., 2016. “Climate change adaptation responses in Latin American urban areas. Challenges for Santiago de Chile and Lima”. In “Cambio climatico: leccciones de y para ciudades de America latina”, Nail Ed., Universidad Externado de Colombia, pp. 391-420, ISBN 978-958-772-479-0.
- Inostroza L., 2013. “El metabolismo urbano: un sistema de apropiación de excedentes ecológicos. La transformación de la estepa patagónica en arquitectura burguesa”, en Palacios Barra, Alfredo; Sousa González, Eduardo y Cadena Vargas, Edel (ed.): Urban space, reconstruction and territorial reconfiguration. Hualpén, Chile: Universidad del Bío-Bío-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, pp. 101-118. ISBN (13): 978-607-27-0180-9.
- Inostroza L., 2012. Reivindicación histórica. Obras y proyectos en el confín del mundo. En: Construir bicentenarios latinoamericanos en la era de la globalización, Ediciones Infinito 2012, Gutman & Molinos Ed. pp. 193-206 ISBN 978-987-9393-71-0.
- Inostroza L., (2009). La huella ecológica de Magallanes. En: Chile: del país urbano al país metropolitano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 2009, Hidalgo + Arenas + DeMatos Ed., pp 439- 458 ISBN 978-956-14-1054-1.
Conference Proceedings (indexed SCOPUS/WoS)
- Inostroza, L. (2019). Clustering Spatially Explicit Bundles of Ecosystem Services in A Central European Region Clustering Spatially Explicit Bundles of Ecosystem Services in A Central European Region. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1–9).
- Inostroza, L., & Barrera, F. de la. (2019). Ecosystem Services and Urbanisation. A Spatially Explicit Assessment in Upper Silesia, Central Europe. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1–10).
- Barrera, F. de la, Henriquez, C., Ruiz, V., & Inostroza, L. (2019). Urban Parks and Social Inequalities in the Access to Ecosystem Services in Santiago, Chile. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1–10).
- Salvati, A., Palme, M., & Inostroza, L. (2017). Key Parameters for Urban Heat Island Assessment in A Mediterranean Context: A Sensitivity Analysis Using the Urban Weather Generator Model. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 245(8).
- Calice, C., Clemente, C., Salvati, A., Palme, M., & Inostroza, L. (2017). Urban Heat Island Effect on the Energy Consumption of Institutional Buildings in Rome. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 245).
- Carrasco, C., Palme, M., Ángel Gálvez, M., Inostroza, L., Padilla, U., & Fonseca, A. (2017). Urban Heat Island of Valparaíso, Chile - A Comparison between 2007 and 2016. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 245).
- Palme, M., Carrasco, C., Ángel Gálvez, M., & Inostroza, L. (2017). Natural Ventilation: A Mitigation Strategy to Reduce Overheating in Buildings under Urban Heat Island Effect in South American Cities. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 245).
- Zepp, H., & Inostroza, L. (2017). Ecosystem Services framework as a tool to assess environmental trade-offs and synergies. In Proceedings of the Resilient Cities 2017 congress Session (pp. 1–12). Bonn: ICLEI.
Associated Editor
Ecosystem Services (Elsevier)
ESP Executive Committee member
- 2021 Habilitation in Urban Ecology (cumulative thesis, 13 published papers), Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany.
- Ph.D. (Sustainable Urban Development) Thesis: Land use change in Southern Patagonia, Chile: The paradox of nature. GIS modelling of land use change patterns and human influence on natural ecosystems. An approach from the Landscape Ecology (Summa cum laude).
Urban Ecology, Metabolism, Urban Economics, Land Use Land Cover Change, Spatially explicit quantitative methods
Akademische Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen
- 2019-2024 BMBF Implementation of the Concept of Ecosystem Services in the Planning of Green Infrastructure to strengthen the resilience of the metropolis Ruhr and Shanghai. 1.418,000 €
- 2021-2023 IPBES Business and Biodiversity Expert
- 2019 German Expert, Green Talents Award – Federal Ministry of Education and Research, FONA BMBF
- 2016-2019 Research Grant CONICYT (Chilean research ministry) -EUR 120.000
- 2012-2014 Research Grant. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge USA - EUR 24.000
- 2010-2012 Research Grant. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge USA –EUR 43.000
- 2010 Adriana Schiffrin Award. Academic essay, First Honourable Mention. FARN, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2009-2011 SANTANDER-UPM Ph.D. Fellowship.
- 2009 ECLAC Fellowship. Course.
- 2008 INTERNATIONAL AWARD. Academic essay. Observatory on Latin America, the New School University, NY USA.
- 2008 UNESCO BMU (Germany) Fellowship, TU Dresden.
- 2006 Organisation of American States (OAS) Fellowship.
- 2002 ECLAC Fellowship, Urban Management and Sustainable Development, Dominican Rep.
- 1995 HONOURABLE MENTION. Steel Design Student Competition. Pacific Steel Company.
- 1994 REGIONAL PRIZE, NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. Second Annual Urban Housing Student Design Competition. AIA /ACSA/OTIS. Presented in RIBA, London.